Act 446 We are the centralize hostel & system management for foreign workers
Act 446 : Ensuring Safe and Compliant Hostel for Workers’ Accommodation
Welcome to our dedicated page for Act 446 compliance, focusing on workers’ accommodation Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). At MyRelocation Centre Malaysia, we understand the importance of providing safe and comfortable accommodation for your employees. Act 446 is a crucial regulation that ensures the well-being of workers who stay in hostels, and our SOPs are designed to help you meet these standards effectively.
What is Act 446?
Act 446, officially known as the “Employee Minimum Standards of Housing Accommodation and Amenities Act 1990,” The minimum standards for housing and nurseries for employees and their dependents are mandated by Act 446. Employers must provide healthcare, hospitals, medical facilities, and social amenities for their employees, as well as set aside land for farming and grazing on company property.
Act 446 Compliance Matters?
Act 446 plays a crucial role in safeguarding the basic rights of workers, and it is also considered a preventive measure to manage the spread of infectious diseases, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is also to guarantee the safety and well-being of the workers during their stay in the provided accommodation.

Employee Welfare

Legal Obligation